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Naurus forfatning

FORfatningen AF NAURU*
MENS vi Naurus folk anerkender Gud som den almægtige og evige Herre
og giveren af ​​alt godt:
Og hvorimod vi ydmygt placerer os selv under beskyttelse af hans gode forsyn og
søg hans velsignelse over os selv og vores liv:
Og hvorimod vi har erklæret, at Nauru skal være en republik:
Og hvorimod et forfatningskonvent, der repræsenterer os, har udarbejdet en forfatning for
Derfor er vi Nauru-befolkningen i vores forfatningskonvent denne niogtyvende
dag i januar, Et tusind ni hundrede og otteogtres, vedtage hermed, udfærdige og give
for os selv, at denne forfatning træder i kraft den 31. januar, En
tusind ni hundrede og otteogtres.
Del I. Republikken Nauru og Naurus højeste lov (Artikel I og 2).
Del II. Beskyttelse af grundlæggende rettigheder og friheder (Artikler 3-15).
Del III. Præsidenten og direktionen (Artikler 16-25).
Del IV. Den lovgivende forsamling (Artikler 26-47).
Del V. Retsvæsenet (Artikler 48-57).
Del VI. Finansiere (Artikler 58-67).
Del VII. Den offentlige service (Artikler 68-70).
Del VIII. Borgerskab (Artikler 71-76).
Del IX. Nødbeføjelser (Artikler 77-79).
Del X. Generel (Artikler 80-84).
Del XI. Overgangsbestemmelser (Artikler 85-100).

  • Dette print af Naurus forfatning inkorporerer ændringerne foretaget af forfatningskonventet af

Nauru under artikel 92 på 17 Kan 1968.

Republikken Nauru

  1. Nauru er en uafhængig republik.
    Højeste lov i Nauru
  2. (1.) Denne forfatning er Naurus højeste lov.
    (2.) En lov, der ikke er i overensstemmelse med denne forfatning, i omfanget af inkonsekvensen, ugyldig.
    DEL II.
  3. Mens enhver person i Nauru har ret til de grundlæggende rettigheder og friheder
    individuel, det vil sige, har ret, uanset hans race, oprindelsessted, politiske meninger,
    farve, trosbekendelse eller sex, men underlagt respekt for andres rettigheder og friheder og for
    offentlig interesse, til hver af de følgende friheder, nemlig:-
    (-en) liv, frihed, personens sikkerhed, nydelse af ejendom og lovens beskyttelse;
    (b) samvittighedsfrihed, til udtryk og af fredelig forsamling og forening; og
    (c) respekt for sit privatliv og familieliv,
    de efterfølgende bestemmelser i denne del har virkning med det formål at yde beskyttelse til
    disse rettigheder og friheder, underlagt sådanne begrænsninger af denne beskyttelse, som er indeholdt i
    disse bestemmelser, er begrænsninger designet til at sikre, at nydelsen af ​​disse rettigheder og
    en persons friheder indskrænker ikke andre personers rettigheder og friheder eller
    offentlig interesse.
    Beskyttelse af retten til liv
    4.-(1.) Ingen må fratages sit liv forsætligt, undtagen ved fuldbyrdelse af en straf
    af en domstol efter sin domfældelse for en lovovertrædelse, for hvilken straffen er frakendelse af livet
    er foreskrevet ved lov.
    (2.) Fratagelse af en persons liv er ikke en overtrædelse af bestemmelserne i klausulen (1.)
    i denne artikel, hvor det er resultatet af brugen, i et sådant omfang og under sådanne omstændigheder, som det er
    tilladt ved lov, af en sådan kraft, som er rimeligt forsvarlig efter sagens omstændigheder-
    (-en) til forsvar af en person mod vold;
    (b) til forsvar af offentlig ejendom;
    (c) for at gennemføre en lovlig anholdelse eller for at forhindre en lovligt tilbageholdt persons flugt; eller
    (d) med det formål at undertrykke et optøj, opstand eller dæmpning.
    Beskyttelse af den personlige frihed
    5.-(1.) Ingen må berøves sin personlige frihed, undtagen som tilladt ved lov i nogen
    af følgende sager:-
    (-en) ved fuldbyrdelse af dommen eller kendelse af en domstol med hensyn til en lovovertrædelse, som han har
    blevet dømt;
    (b) med henblik på at indbringe ham for en domstol under fuldbyrdelse af en domstols kendelse;
    (c) ved begrundet mistanke om, at han har begået, eller er ved at forpligte sig, en forseelse;
    (d) efter kendelse fra en domstol, for sin uddannelse i enhver periode, der slutter senest den
    enogtredive dage i december, efter at han fylder atten år;
    (e) efter kendelse fra en domstol, for hans velfærd i enhver periode, der slutter senest på datoen
    hvorpå han fylder tyve år;
    (f) med det formål at forhindre spredning af sygdom;
    (g) i tilfælde af en person, der er, eller med rimelighed formodes at være det, af uforsvarligt sind eller
    afhængig af stoffer eller alkohol, med henblik på hans pleje eller behandling eller beskyttelse af
    fællesskab; og
    (h) med det formål at forhindre hans ulovlige indrejse i Nauru, eller med henblik på
    bevirker hans udvisning, udlevering eller anden lovlig fjernelse fra Nauru.
    (2.) En person, der anholdes eller tilbageholdes, skal straks underrettes om årsagerne hertil
    anholdelse eller tilbageholdelse og skal have tilladelse til at konsultere på det sted, hvor han er tilbageholdt
    juridisk repræsentant efter eget valg.
    (3.) En person, der er anholdt eller tilbageholdt under de omstændigheder, der er nævnt i stk
    (c) af klausul (1.) i denne artikel og ikke er blevet løsladt, skal indbringes for en dommer eller
    en anden person, der besidder dommerhverv inden for en periode på 24 timer efter anholdelsen
    eller tilbageholdelse og må ikke tilbageholdes i varetægt i forbindelse med den forbrydelse undtagen af
    kendelse fra en dommer eller en anden person, der besidder dommerhverv.
    (4.) Hvor der klages til Højesteret over, at en person er ulovligt tilbageholdt,
    Højesteret undersøger klagen og, medmindre det er overbevist om, at tilbageholdelsen er
    lovlig, skal beordre den pågældende stillet for det og skal løslade ham
    Beskyttelse mod tvangsarbejde
    6.-(1.) Ingen skal være forpligtet til at udføre tvangsarbejde.
    (2.) Med henblik på denne artikel, “tvangsarbejde” omfatter ikke-
    (-en) arbejdskraft, der kræves af en dom eller kendelse fra en domstol;
    (b) arbejdskraft, der kræves af en person, mens han er lovligt tilbageholdt, at være arbejdskraft, dog ikke
    krævet af en dom eller kendelse fra en domstol, er rimeligt nødvendigt med henblik på
    hygiejne eller til vedligeholdelse af det sted, hvor han er tilbageholdt;
    (c) arbejdskraft, der kræves af et medlem af en disciplineret styrke i udførelsen af ​​hans pligter som sådan
    medlem; eller
    (d) arbejdskraft, der med rimelighed kræves som en del af rimelige og normale kommunale eller andre borgerlige
    Beskyttelse mod umenneskelig behandling
  4. Ingen må udsættes for tortur eller behandling eller straf, der er umenneskelig eller
    Beskyttelse mod fratagelse af ejendom
    8.-(1.) Ingen må tvangsmæssigt fratages sin ejendom undtagen i overensstemmelse med
    lov til et offentligt formål og på retfærdige vilkår.
    (2.) Intet indeholdt i eller udført under myndighed af en lov skal anses for at være inkonsekvent
    med eller i strid med bestemmelserne i klausulen (1.) i denne artikel i det omfang, at
    lov giver bestemmelser-
    (-en) til besiddelse eller erhvervelse af enhver ejendom-
    (jeg) til tilfredsstillelse af en skat;
    (ii) i form af straf for lovovertrædelse eller fortabelse som følge af lovovertrædelse;
    (iii) som en hændelse af en lejekontrakt, lejemål, pant, oplade, salgsseddel, pant eller kontrakt;
    (iv) ved fuldbyrdelse af en dom eller kendelse fra en domstol i sager om fastsættelse af
    borgerlige rettigheder eller forpligtelser;
    (v) under omstændigheder, hvor det med rimelighed er nødvendigt at gøre det, fordi ejendommen er i en
    farlig tilstand eller er sundhedsskadelig for mennesker, dyr eller planter; eller
    (vi) som følge af enhver lov med hensyn til begrænsning af handlinger; eller
    (b) til besiddelse eller erhvervelse af nogen af ​​følgende ejendomme:-
    (jeg) en afdøds ejendom, en person med uforsvarlig sind eller en person, der ikke har opnået
    en alder af tyve år, med det formål at administrere det til gavn for personen
    berettiget til den gavnlige interesse i den pågældende ejendom;
    (ii) ejendom tilhørende en person, der er erklæret konkurs eller insolvent, eller tilhørende en juridisk person under likvidation,
    med henblik på at administrere den til fordel for den konkursramte eller insolventes kreditorer
    eller juridisk person og, underlagt dette, til fordel for andre personer, der har ret til
    gavnlig interesse i ejendommen;
    (iii) ejendom underlagt en trust, med henblik på at overdrage ejendommen til personer, der er udpeget som
    administratorer i henhold til instrumentet, der opretter trusten eller af en domstol eller, efter kendelse fra en domstol, for
    formålet med at give effekt til tilliden; og
    (iv) ejendom, der besiddes af en juridisk person oprettet ved lov til offentlige formål.
    Beskyttelse af person og ejendom
    9.-(1.) Ingen må uden hans samtykke underkastes ransagning af sin person eller ejendom
    eller andre personers indrejse i hans lokaler.
    (2.) Intet indeholdt i eller udført under myndighed af nogen lov skal anses for at være
    uforenelig med eller i strid med bestemmelserne i klausulen (1.) af denne artikel til
    i det omfang loven indeholder bestemmelser-
    (-en) det er rimeligt nødvendigt af hensyn til forsvaret, offentlig sikkerhed, den offentlige orden, offentlig
    moral, folkesundhed, udvikling eller udnyttelse af naturressourcer eller
    udvikling eller udnyttelse af enhver ejendom til et formål til gavn for samfundet;
    (b) der med rimelighed er påkrævet for at beskytte andre personers rettigheder eller friheder;
    (c) der bemyndiger en embedsmand eller agent fra Republikken Nauru eller en juridisk person
    etableret ved lov til offentlige formål at komme ind, hvor det med rimelighed er nødvendigt, på stedet
    af en person for at inspicere disse lokaler eller noget i eller på dem i forhold til enhver skat
    eller for at udføre arbejde forbundet med enhver ejendom, der lovligt er i eller på disse
    lokaler og tilhører republikken eller juridisk person alt efter omstændighederne; eller
    (d) der bemyndiger, med det formål at fuldbyrde en domstols dom eller kendelse, eftersøgningen af
    en person eller ejendom efter kendelse fra en domstol eller adgang til ethvert område i henhold til en sådan kendelse.
    Bestemmelse til sikring af loven
  5. (1.) Ingen må dømmes for en lovovertrædelse, der ikke er defineret ved lov.
    (2.) En person, der er sigtet for en lovovertrædelse, skal, medmindre sigtelsen trækkes tilbage, gives en messe
    afhøring inden for rimelig tid af en uafhængig og upartisk domstol.
    (3.) En person sigtet for en lovovertrædelse-
    (-en) skal antages at være uskyldig, indtil det modsatte er bevist i henhold til loven;
    (b) underrettes omgående på et sprog, som han forstår, og i detaljer om arten af
    den lovovertrædelse, han er tiltalt for;
    (c) skal have tilstrækkelig tid og faciliteter til at forberede sit forsvar;
    (d) skal have tilladelse til uden betaling at få bistand fra tolk, hvis denne ikke kan
    forstå eller tale det sprog, der blev brugt under retssagen i sigtelsen;
    (e) skal have tilladelse til personligt at forsvare sig for retten eller, for egen regning, ved
    en juridisk repræsentant efter eget valg eller at få tildelt en juridisk repræsentant i en
    tilfælde, hvor retfærdighedens interesser kræver det og uden betaling fra ham i et sådant tilfælde, hvis
    det gør han ikke, efter rettens opfattelse, har tilstrækkelige midler til at betale de afholdte omkostninger; og
    (f) skal have mulighed for personligt eller af hans juridiske repræsentant at undersøge
    vidner indkaldt for retten af ​​anklagemyndigheden, og at opnå fremmødet og bære
    ud af vidneafhøringen og afgive forklaring for retten på egne vegne, på
    samme betingelser som dem, der gælder for vidner indkaldt af anklagemyndigheden,
    og, undtagen med eget samtykke, retssagen skal ikke finde sted i hans fravær, medmindre han gør det
    opfører sig for at sikre, at sagen fortsætter i hans nærværelse
    upraktisk, og retten har beordret ham fjernet, og retssagen skal fortsætte i hans
    (4.) Ingen skal dømmes for en lovovertrædelse på grund af nogen handling eller undladelse, der ikke gjorde det,
    på det tidspunkt, det fandt sted, udgør en sådan lovovertrædelse, og der skal ikke idømmes straf for en
    lovovertrædelse, der er mere alvorlig i grad eller beskrivelse end den maksimale straf, der måtte være
    er blevet idømt for den lovovertrædelse på det tidspunkt, hvor den blev begået.
    (5.) Ingen person, der viser, at han er blevet prøvet af en kompetent domstol for en lovovertrædelse og
    enten dømt eller frifundet skal igen stilles for denne lovovertrædelse, undtagen efter rækkefølgen af ​​en
    overret i forbindelse med anke- eller prøvelsessager vedrørende dommen
    eller frifindelse.
    (6.) Ingen må stilles for en lovovertrædelse, som han er blevet benådet for.
    (7.) Ingen, der stilles for en lovovertrædelse, skal være tvunget til at afgive forklaring under retssagen.
    (8.) Ingen må under retssagen for en lovovertrædelse tvinges til at være vidne mod sig selv.
    (9.) En afgørelse af eksistensen eller omfanget af en borgerlig rettighed eller forpligtelse skal ikke træffes
    undtagen af ​​en uafhængig og upartisk domstol eller anden myndighed foreskrevet ved lov og
    sager med henblik på en sådan afgørelse skal behandles retfærdigt og inden for en rimelig tid.
    (10.) Medmindre parterne er enige herom, retssager og retssager
    til bestemmelse af eksistensen eller omfanget af enhver borgerlig rettighed eller forpligtelse før evt
    anden myndighed, herunder bekendtgørelse af rettens eller anden myndigheds afgørelse,
    skal afholdes offentligt.
    (11.) Intet i klausul (10.) i denne artikel forhindrer retten eller anden myndighed i at
    undtagen personer fra høringen af ​​sagen, andre end parterne og deres
    juridiske repræsentanter, i et omfang som retten eller anden myndighed-
    (-en) er ved lov bemyndiget til at gøre og anser for nødvendigt eller formålstjenligt af hensyn til offentligheden
    moral eller under omstændigheder, hvor offentlighed ville være til skade for retfærdighedens interesser, de
    velfærd for personer under tyve år eller beskyttelse af privatlivet for
    personer, der er berørt af sagen; eller
    (b) er ved lov bemyndiget eller forpligtet til at gøre i forsvarets interesse, offentlig sikkerhed eller offentlighed
    (12.) Intet indeholdt i eller udført under myndighed af nogen lov skal anses for at være
    uforenelig med eller i strid med bestemmelserne
    (-en) afsnit (-en) af klausul (3.) i denne artikel af grund, som denne lov pålægger en person
    sigtet for en lovovertrædelse bevisbyrden for særlige forhold; eller
    (b) afsnit (f) af klausul (3.) i denne artikel af grund, som denne lov pålægger rimeligt
    betingelser, der skal være opfyldt, hvis vidner indkaldes til at afgive forklaring på vegne af en sigtet person
    med en lovovertrædelse skal betales deres udgifter af offentlige midler.
    11.-(1.) En person har ret til samvittighedsfrihed, tanke og religion, inklusive
    frihed til at ændre sin religion eller tro og frihed, enten alene eller i fællesskab med
    andre og offentligt eller privat, at manifestere og udbrede sin religion eller tro i tilbedelse,
    undervisning, øvelse og observation.
    (2.) Undtagen med hans samtykke, ingen person må hindres i at nyde en rettighed eller
    frihed nævnt i paragraf (1.) af denne artikel.
    (3.) Undtagen med hans samtykke eller, hvis han er under tyve år, hans samtykke
    forælder eller værge, ingen, der går på et uddannelsessted, er forpligtet til at modtage religiøse
    instruktion eller at deltage i eller overvære en religiøs ceremoni eller højtid, hvis denne instruktion,
    ceremoni eller overholdelse vedrører en anden religion end hans egen religion eller tro.
    (4.) Intet indeholdt i eller udført under myndighed af nogen lov skal anses for at være
    uforenelig med eller i modstrid med bestemmelserne i denne artikel i det omfang, at
    loven indeholder bestemmelser, som med rimelighed er nødvendige-
    (-en) i forsvarets interesse, offentlig sikkerhed, den offentlige orden, offentlig moral eller folkesundhed;
    (b) for at beskytte andre personers rettigheder og friheder, herunder retten til at observere og
    udøve enhver religion uden uopfordret indgriben fra medlemmer af en anden religion;
    (c) for at regulere den sekulære uddannelse, der tilbydes på ethvert uddannelsessted af hensyn til
    de personer, der modtager undervisning det sted.
    Beskyttelse af ytringsfriheden
    12.-(1.) En person har ret til ytringsfrihed.
    (2.) Undtagen med hans samtykke, ingen må hindres i at nyde sin ret til
    (3.) Intet indeholdt i eller udført under myndighed af nogen lov skal anses for at være
    uoverensstemmende med, eller i strid med, bestemmelserne i denne artikel i det omfang, at
    lov giver bestemmelser-
    (-en) det er rimeligt nødvendigt af hensyn til forsvaret, offentlig sikkerhed, den offentlige orden, offentlig
    moral eller folkesundhed;
    (b) der med rimelighed er påkrævet for at beskytte omdømmet, rettigheder og
    andre personers frihedsrettigheder eller privatliv for personer, der er berørt af retssager,
    forhindre videregivelse af oplysninger modtaget i fortrolighed eller opretholdelse af myndigheden
    og domstolenes uafhængighed;
    (c) der med rimelighed er påkrævet med henblik på at regulere den tekniske forvaltning eller
    teknisk drift af telefoni, telegrafi, indlæg, trådløs udsendelse eller fjernsyn eller
    begrænsning af etablering eller brug af telefoni, telegrafisk, trådløs udsendelse eller
    fjernsynsudstyr eller posttjenester; eller
    (d) der regulerer brugen af ​​oplysninger, som offentlige embedsmænd indhenter i løbet af deres
    Beskyttelse af forsamlings- og foreningsfriheden
    13.-(1.) Personer har ret til at forsamles og omgås fredeligt og til at danne eller tilhøre
    fagforeninger eller andre foreninger.
    (2.) Undtagen med hans samtykke, ingen må hindres i at nyde en henvist ret
    til i klausul (1.) af denne artikel.
    (3.) Intet indeholdt i eller udført under myndighed af nogen lov skal anses for at være
    uoverensstemmende med, eller i strid med, bestemmelserne i denne artikel i det omfang, at
    loven indeholder bestemmelser, der med rimelighed er påkrævet-
    (-en) i forsvarets interesse, offentlig sikkerhed, den offentlige orden, offentlig moral eller folkesundhed; eller
    (b) for at beskytte andre personers rettigheder og friheder.
    Håndhævelse af grundlæggende rettigheder og friheder
    14.-(1.) En rettighed eller frihed, der er tildelt i denne del, kan håndhæves af Højesteret ved den
    sag af en person, der har en interesse i håndhævelsen af ​​denne ret eller frihed.
    (2.) Højesteret kan afgive alle sådanne kendelser og erklæringer, som er nødvendige og
    passende i forhold til klausulens formål (1.) af denne artikel.
  6. I denne del, medmindre sammenhængen kræver andet-
    “overtrædelse”, i forhold til ethvert krav, omfatter manglende overholdelse af dette
    krav, og beslægtede udtryk skal fortolkes i overensstemmelse hermed;
    “disciplineret kraft” betyder-
    (-en) politistyrken; eller
    (b) ethvert andet organ oprettet ved lov med det formål at forsvare eller opretholde offentligheden
    sikkerhed eller offentlig orden;
    “juridisk repræsentant” betyder en person, der er berettiget til at være i eller til at rejse ind i Nauru og ifølge loven har ret til
    møde i sager for en domstol på vegne af en part i sagen;
    “medlem”, i forhold til en disciplineret kraft, omfatter en person, der, efter den lov, der regulerer
    denne krafts disciplin, er underlagt den disciplin;
    “offentlig ejendom” omfatter ejendom tilhørende en juridisk person oprettet ved lov for offentligheden
    DEL III.1
  7. (1.) Der skal være en præsident for Nauru, hvem skal vælges af Folketinget.
    (2.) En person er ikke kvalificeret til at blive valgt til formand, medmindre han er medlem af parlamentet.
    (3.) Formanden og næstformanden er ikke kvalificeret til at blive valgt som formand.
    (4.) Præsidenten varetager hvervet indtil valg af en anden person til formand.
    (5.) Parlamentet vælger en formand-
    (-en) hver gang præsidentembedet er ledigt;
    (b) på Parlamentets første møde efter dets opløsning; og
    (c) hver gang-
    (jeg) Præsidenten afgiver sit embede ved at skrive under hans hånd leveret til
    (ii) en beslutning om afskedigelse af præsidenten og ministrene godkendes under
    Artikel 24; eller
    (iii) formanden ophører med at være medlem af parlamentet på anden måde end alene på grund af dets
    Den udøvende myndighed ligger i kabinettet
    17.-(1.) Den udøvende myndighed i Nauru er tildelt et kabinet sammensat som fastsat af
    denne del og kabinettet har den generelle ledelse og kontrol af Naurus regering.
    (2.) Regeringen er kollektivt ansvarlig over for Folketinget.
    18.-(1.) Kabinettet består af præsidenten og ministrene udpeget i henhold til artikel 19.
    (2.) Et medlem af kabinettet skal, før han påbegynder sit embede, tage og
    underskrive eden i det første skema.
    (3.) Et medlem af kabinettet må ikke besidde et profitembede i tjeneste for Nauru eller en
    lovpligtig selskab.
    Udnævnelse af ministre
    19.-(1.) Hver gang der er valgt en formand, han skal så snart det er praktisk muligt udpege fire eller fem
    medlemmer af parlamentet for at være ministre i kabinettet.
    (2.) Når der er færre end fire ministre, udpeger formanden et medlem af
    Parlamentet skal være minister, men hvis Parlamentet opløses, udpeger formanden en person
    som var medlem umiddelbart før Folketingets opløsning.
    (3.) Når der er fire men ikke fem ministre, kan præsidenten udpege et medlem af
    Folketinget skal være minister.
    Kontorets ferie
  8. En minister ophører med at sidde-
    (-en) upon the election of a President;
    (b) upon resigning his office by writing under his hand delivered to the President;
    (c) upon being removed from office by the President; eller
    (d) upon ceasing to be a member of Parliament otherwise than by reason only of its
    Provision for Minister to act as President
  9. The Cabinet may appoint a Minister to perform the duties and exercise the functions of
    the President during any period during which the President is unable to act owing to illness,
    absence from Nauru or any other cause.
    Meetings of Cabinet
    22.-(1.) The President shall preside at meetings of the Cabinet.
    (2.) Subject to this Constitution, the Cabinet may regulate its own procedure.
    Appointment of Ministers to Departments
  10. The President may assign to himself or to a Minister responsibility for any business of the
    government of Nauru and may revoke or vary an assignment made under this Article.
    Vote of no confidence
    24.-(1.) Where Parliament on a resolution approved by at least one-half of the total number of
    members of Parliament resolves that the President and Ministers be removed from office on
    the grounds that it has no confidence in the Cabinet, an election of a President shall be held.
    (2.) Where a President has not been elected before the expiration of a period of seven days
    after the day on which a resolution under clause (1.) of this Article is approved Parliament
    shall stand dissolved.
    Chief Secretary
    25.-(1.) There shall be a Chief Secretary of Nauru, who shall be appointed by the Cabinet.
    (2.) A member of Parliament is not qualified to be appointed Chief Secretary.
    (3.) The Chief Secretary may resign his office by writing under his hand delivered to the
    President and may be removed from office by the Cabinet.
    (4.) The Chief Secretary has such powers and functions as the Cabinet directs and as are
    conferred on him by this Constitution or by law.
    PART IV.
    ** The name of the Legislature was changed fromthe Legislative Assemblyto
    Parliament” på 17 Kan 1968.
    Establishment of legislature
  11. There shall be a Parliament of Nauru.
    Legislative powers of legislature
  12. Subject to this Constitution, Parliament may make laws for the peace, order and good
    government of Nauru; laws so made may have effect outside as well as within Nauru.
    The Parliament
    28.-(1.) Parliament shall consist of eighteen members or such greater number as is prescribed
    by law.
    (2.) For the purpose of the election of members of Parliament, Nauru shall be divided into
    (3.) Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the constituencies and the number of members of
    Parliament to be returned by each of the constituencies are those described in the Second
    (4.) A person shall not be at the same time a member of Parliament for more than one
    Electors for Parliament
  13. Members of Parliament shall be elected in such manner as is prescribed by law, ved
    Nauruan citizens who have attained the age of twenty years.
    Qualification for membership of Parliament
  14. A person is qualified to be elected a member of Parliament if, and is not so qualified
    unless, he-
    (-en) is a Nauruan citizen and has attained the age of twenty years; og
    (b) is not disqualified under this Constitution.
    Disqualifications for membership of Parliament
  15. No person is qualified to be elected a member of Parliament if he-
    (-en) is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent who has been declared bankrupt or insolvent
    according to law;
    (b) is a person certified to be insane or otherwise adjudged according to law to be mentally
    (c) has been convicted and is under sentence or is subject to be sentenced for an offence
    punishable according to law by death or by imprisonment for one year or longer;
    (d) does not possess such qualifications relating to residence or domicile in Nauru as are
    prescribed by law; eller
    (e) holds an office of profit in the service of Nauru or of a statutory corporation, being an
    office prescribed by law for the purposes of this paragraph.
    Vacation of seats by members of Parliament
    32.-(1.) A member of Parliament vacates his seat-
    (-en) upon the dissolution of Parliament next after his election;
    (b) upon becoming disqualified under Article 31 to be elected a member of Parliament;
    (c) upon resigning his seat by writing under his hand delivered, in the case of a member other
    than the Speaker, to the Speaker and, in the case of the Speaker, to the Clerk of Parliament;
    (d) if he is absent without leave of Parliament on every day on which a meeting of Parliament
    is held during a period of two months; eller
    (e) upon ceasing to be a Nauruan citizen.
    (2.) In the event of the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of a member of Parliament, an
    election shall be held in the manner prescribed by law of a member to fill the vacant office.
    Clerk of Parliament
    33.-(1.) There shall be a Clerk of Parliament, who shall be appointed by the Speaker.
    (2.) A member of Parliament is not qualified to be appointed Clerk of Parliament.
    (3.) The Clerk of Parliament may at any time resign his office by writing under his hand
    delivered to the Speaker and may be removed from office by the Speaker at any time.
    (4.) Before or during the absence of the Clerk of Parliament, the Speaker may appoint a
    person who is not a member of Parliament to perform the functions of the Clerk during his
    Speaker of Parliament
    34.-(1.) Parliament shall, before it proceeds to the despatch of any other business, elect one of
    its members to be Speaker and, whenever the office of Speaker is vacant, shall not transact
    any business other than the election of one of its members to fill that office.
    (2.) A member of the Cabinet is not qualified to be elected Speaker.2
    (3.) The Speaker ceases to hold office3
    (-en) when Parliament first meets after a dissolution;
    (b) upon ceasing to be a member of Parliament otherwise than by reason only of its
    (c) upon becoming a member of the Cabinet;
    (d) upon being removed from office by a resolution of Parliament; eller
    (e) upon resigning his office by writing under his hand delivered to the Clerk of Parliament.
    Deputy Speaker of Parliament
    35.-(1.) Parliament shall, after the election of the Speaker and before it proceeds to the
    despatch of any other business, elect one of its members to be Deputy Speaker and, hver gang
    the office of Deputy Speaker is vacant, shall, as soon as possible, elect one of its members to
    fill that office.
    (2.) A member of the Cabinet is not qualified to be elected Deputy Speaker.4

(3.) The Deputy Speaker ceases to hold office5

(-en) when Parliament first meets after a dissolution;
(b) upon ceasing to be a member of Parliament otherwise than by reason only of its
(c) upon becoming a member of the Cabinet;
(d) upon being removed from office by a resolution of Parliament; eller
(e) upon resigning his office by writing under his hand delivered to the Clerk of Parliament.
(4.) The powers and functions conferred by this Constitution upon the Speaker shall, if there
is no person holding the office of Speaker or if the Speaker is absent from a sitting of
Parliament or is otherwise unable to exercise those powers and perform those functions, be
exercised and performed by the Deputy Speaker and, if he is also absent or unable to exercise
those powers and perform those functions, Parliament may elect one of its members to
exercise those powers and perform those functions.
Determination on questions of membership of Parliament

  1. Any question that arises concerning the right of a person to be of or to remain a member
    of Parliament shall be referred to and determined by the Supreme Court.
    Powers privileges and immunities of Parliament
  2. The powers, privileges and immunities of Parliament and of its members and committees
    are such as are declared by Parliament.
    Procedure in Parliament
    38.-(1.) Parliament may make, amend or repeal rules and orders with respect to-
    (-en) the mode in which its powers, privileges and immunities may be exercised and upheld;
    (b) the conduct of its business and proceedings.
    (2.) Parliament may act notwithstanding a vacancy in its membership and the presence or
    participation of a person not entitled to be present at, or to participate in, the proceedings of
    Parliament does not invalidate those proceedings.
    General Elections for Parliament6
  3. A general election of members of Parliament shall be held at such time within two
    months after a dissolution of Parliament as the Speaker in accordance with the advice of the
    President appoints.
    Sessions of Parliament7
    40.-(1.) Each session of Parliament shall be held at such place and shall begin at such time,
    not being later than twelve months after the end of the preceding session if Parliament has
    been prorogued, or twenty-one days after the last day on which a candidate at a general
    election is declared elected if Parliament has been dissolved, as the Speaker in accordance
    with the advice of the President appoints.
    (2.) Subject to the provisions of clause (1.) af denne artikel, the sittings of Parliament shall be
    held at such times and places as it, by its rules of procedure or otherwise, determines.
    Prorogation and dissolution of Parliament
    41.-(1.) The Speaker, in accordance with the advice of the President, may at any time
    prorogue Parliament.
    (2.) The Speaker shall, if he is advised by the President to dissolve Parliament, refer the
    advice of the President to Parliament as soon as practicable and in any case before the
    expiration of fourteen days after his receipt of the advice.8
    (3.) For the purposes of clause (2.) af denne artikel, and notwithstanding Article 40, de
    Speaker shall, if necessary, appoint a time for the beginning of a session, or for a sitting, of
    (4.) Where the Speaker has, under clause (2.) af denne artikel, referred the advice of the
    President to Parliament, and no resolution for the removal from office of the President and
    Ministers under Article 24 is approved after the date on which the advice was so referred, he
    shall dissolve Parliament on the seventh day after that date.
    (5.) The President may withdraw his advice at any time before the Speaker has dissolved
    Parliament and where the President so withdraws his advice, the Speaker shall not dissolve
    (6.) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article, where a resolution for the
    removal from office of the President and Ministers is approved under Article 24, højttaleren
    shall not-
    (-en) prorogue Parliament; eller
    (b) dissolve Parliament,
    during the period of seven days after the day on which the resolution is approved.
    (7.) Parliament shall, unless sooner dissolved, continue for a period of three years from and
    including the date of the first sitting of Parliament after any dissolution and shall then stand
    Sessions of Parliament at request of one-third of members
    42.-(1.) Where-
    (-en) Parliament is not in session; og
    (b) there is delivered to the Speaker a request that complies with clause (2.) of this Article for
    the holding of a session,9
    the Speaker shall appoint a time for the holding of a session of Parliament, being a time
    before the expiration of fourteen days after the request is delivered.

(2.) A request referred to in clause (1.) of this Article10

(-en) shall be in writing;
(b) shall be signed by a member of Parliament for each of at least three constituencies and by
a number of members of Parliament which is at least one-third of the total number of
members of Parliament; og
(c) shall set out particulars of the business proposed to be dealt with at the session of
Oath of members of Parliament
43.-(1.) A member of Parliament shall, before taking his seat, take and subscribe before
Parliament the oath set out in the Third Schedule, but a member may before taking and
subscribing that oath take part in electing the Speaker.
(2.) The Speaker shall, if he has not taken and subscribed the oath set out in the Third
Schedule, take and subscribe that oath before entering upon the duties of his office.
Speaker to preside

  1. The Speaker shall preside at a sitting of Parliament.
  2. No business shall be transacted at a sitting of Parliament if the number of its members
    present, other than the person presiding at the sitting, is less than one-half of the total number
    of members of Parliament.
    46.-(1.) Except as otherwise provided by this Constitution, a question before Parliament shall
    be decided by a majority of the votes of its members present and voting.
    (2.) The Speaker or other member presiding in Parliament shall not vote unless on a question
    the votes are equally divided in which case he has and shall exercise a casting vote.
    Enactment of laws
  3. A proposed law becomes law on the date when the Speaker certifies that it has been
    passed by Parliament.
    PART V.
    Supreme Court of Nauru
    48.-(1.) There shall be a Supreme Court of Nauru, which shall be a superior court of record.
    (2.) The Supreme Court has, in addition to the jurisdiction conferred on it by this Constitution,
    such jurisdiction as is prescribed by law.
    Chief Justice and Judges of Supreme Court
    49.-(1.) The Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and such number, if any, of other
    judges as is prescribed by law.
    (2.) The judges of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the President.11
    (3.) A person is not qualified to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court unless he is
    entitled as prescribed by law to practise as a barrister or solicitor in Nauru and has been so
    entitled for not less than five years.
    Kontorets ferie
    50.-(1.) A judge of the Supreme Court ceases to hold office on attaining the age of sixty-five
    years or, if a greater age is prescribed by law for the purposes of this Article, on attaining that
    greater age.
    (2.) A law that prescribes a greater age for the purposes of this Article may provide that that
    law applies only to specified judges.
    Removal from office and resignation
    51.-(1.) A judge of the Supreme Court may not be removed from office except on a resolution
    of Parliament approved by not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of
    Parliament praying for his removal from office on the ground of proved incapacity or
    (2.) A judge of the Supreme Court may resign his office by writing under his hand delivered
    to the President.12
    Oath of office
  4. A judge of the Supreme Court shall not enter upon the duties of his office unless he has
    taken and subscribed the oath set out in the Fourth Schedule.
    Acting judges
    53.-(1.) If the office of Chief Justice is vacant or if the Chief Justice is for any reason unable
    to perform the duties of his office then until a person has been appointed to and has assumed
    the duties of that office or until the person holding that office has resumed those duties, as the
    case may be, those duties shall be discharged by such one of the other judges of the Supreme
    Court as is designated by the President or, if there is no other judge of the Supreme Court, ved
    a person designated by the President, being a person who is qualified to be appointed a judge
    of the Supreme Court.13
    (2.) If the office of a judge of the Supreme Court other than the office of the Chief Justice is
    vacant or if the person holding that office is for any reason unable to perform the duties of his
    office or if the state of business in the Supreme Court so requires, the President may appoint a
    person qualified to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court to act as a judge of the
    Supreme Court and a person so appointed may act as a judge of the Supreme Court
    notwithstanding that he has attained the age of sixty five years or, if a greater age is
    prescribed by law for the purposes of Article 50, has attained that greater age.14
    (3.) The provisions of clause (2.) of this Article apply in respect of the office of Chief Justice
    if at a time when the office of the Chief Justice is vacant no other person holds office as a
    judge of the Supreme Court.
    (4.) A person appointed under clause (2.) of this Article to act as a judge of the Supreme
    Court shall continue to act for the period of his appointment or, if no such period is specified,
    until his appointment is revoked by the President.15
    Matters concerning the Constitution
    54.-(1.) The Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of any other court, have original
    jurisdiction to determine any question arising under or involving the interpretation or effect
    of any provision of this Constitution.
    (2.) Without prejudice to any appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, where in any
    proceedings before another court a question arises involving the interpretation or effect of
    any provision of this Constitution, the cause shall be removed into the Supreme Court, which
    shall determine that question and either dispose of the case or remit it to that other court to be
    disposed of in accordance with the determination.
    The Cabinet may refer questions on Constitution to the Supreme Court16
  5. The President or a Minister may, in accordance with the approval of the Cabinet, refer to
    the Supreme Court for its opinion any question concerning the interpretation or effect of any
    provision of this Constitution which has arisen or appears to the Cabinet likely to arise, og
    the Supreme Court shall pronounce in open court its opinion on the question.
    Subordinate courts
  6. There shall be such subordinate courts as are established by law and those courts possess
    such jurisdiction and powers as are prescribed by law.
    57.-(1.) Parliament may provide that an appeal lies as prescribed by law from a judgment,
    decree, order or sentence of the Supreme Court constituted by one judge to the Supreme
    Court constituted by not less than two judges.
    (2.) Parliament may provide that an appeal lies as prescribed by law from a judgment, decree,
    order or sentence of the Supreme Court to a court of another country.
    PART VI.
    Treasury Fund
  7. All revenues and other moneys raised or received by Nauru, not being revenues or other
    moneys payable by law into another fund established for a specific purpose, shall be paid into
    and form a Treasury Fund.17
    Withdrawals from Treasury Fund and public funds
    59.-(1.) No moneys shall be withdrawn from the Treasury Fund except to meet expenditure
    that is charged upon the Treasury Fund by this Constitution or in accordance with law.
    (2.) No moneys shall be withdrawn from any fund referred to in Article 58 other than the
    Treasury Fund except in accordance with law.
    (3.) A proposed law for the withdrawal of moneys from the Treasury Fund or any other fund
    referred to in Article 58 shall not receive the certificate of the Speaker under Article 47 unless
    the purpose of the withdrawal has been recommended to Parliament by the Cabinet.18
    (4.) The Cabinet shall cause to be prepared and laid before Parliament before the date of
    commencement of each financial year (or if, in respect of a particular financial year,
    Parliament, by resolution, determines a later date, before that later date), estimates of the
    revenues and expenditure of Nauru for that year.19
  8. No tax shall be raised except as prescribed by law and a proposed law for the imposition
    of a tax shall not receive the certificate of the Speaker under Article 47 unless the imposition
    of the tax has been recommended to Parliament by the Cabinet.20
    Withdrawal of moneys in advance of appropriation law
    61.-(1.) If the appropriation law in respect of a financial year has not received the certificate
    of the Speaker under Article 47 on or before the twenty-first day before the commencement
    of that financial year, the Cabinet may, in accordance with clause (2.) af denne artikel,
    recommend to Parliament a proposed law authorising the withdrawal of moneys from the
    Treasury Fund for the purpose of meeting expenditure necessary to carry on the services of
    the Republic of Nauru after the commencement of that financial year until the expiration of
    three months or the coming into operation of the appropriation law, whichever is the earlier.21
    (2.) A recommendation by the Cabinet referred to in clause (1.) of this Article shall be in
    writing delivered to the Speaker not later than the fourteenth day before the commencement
    of the financial year and the Speaker shall, on receiving the recommendation, lay it before
    Parliament as soon as practicable.22
    (3.) For the purposes of clause (2.) of this Article and notwithstanding Article 40, højttaleren
    shall, if necessary, appoint a time for the beginning of a session, or for a sitting, of
    (4.) Where the Cabinet has recommended a proposed law under clause (1.) of this Article and
    neither the appropriation law nor that proposed law has come into operation on or before the
    commencement of that financial year, the Cabinet may authorise the withdrawal of moneys in
    accordance with that proposed law but the amount of moneys so withdrawn shall not exceed
    one-quarter of the amount withdrawn under the authority of the appropriation law or laws in
    respect of the preceding financial year.24
    Long Term Investment Fund
    62.-(1.) There shall be a Long Term Investment Fund constituted by the moneys that
    immediately before the commencement of this Constitution constituted a fund called the
    Nauruan Community Long Term Investment Fund and by such other moneys as are
    appropriated by law for payment into the fund or are paid into the fund as provided by clause
    (2.) af denne artikel.
    (2.) Moneys constituting the Long Term Investment Fund may be invested as prescribed by
    law and income derived from moneys so invested shall be paid into the fund.
    (3.) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 59, no moneys shall be withdrawn from the
    Long Term Investment Fund (otherwise than for investment under clause (2.) af denne artikel)
    until the recovery of the phosphate deposits in Nauru has, by reason of the depletion of those
    deposits, ceased to provide adequately for the economic needs of the citizens of Nauru.
    Phosphate royalties
    63.-(1.) Parliament may provide for the establishment of a fund for the benefit of persons
    from whose land phosphate deposits have been recovered and for the payment into that fund
    of amounts from the Treasury Fund and for the payment of moneys out of that fund to those
    (2.) Parliament may provide for the payment from the Treasury Fund to persons from whose
    land phosphate deposits have been recovered of such royalties as are prescribed by law.
    Contingencies Fund
    64.-(1.) Parliament may provide for the establishment of a Contingencies Fund and for
    authorising the Cabinet, if satisfied that there has arisen an urgent and unforeseen need for
    expenditure for which no other provision exists, to make advances from that fund for the
    purposes of that expenditure.25
    (2.) Where an advance is made from the Contingencies Fund, provision may be made by law
    for replacing the amount so advanced.
    Remuneration of certain officers
    65.-(1.) There shall be paid to the holders of the offices to which this Article applies such
    salary and such allowances as are prescribed by law.26
    (2.) The salaries and allowances payable to the holders of the offices to which this Article
    applies are a charge on the Treasury Fund.
    (3.) The salary and allowances payable to the holder of an office to which this Article applies
    and his other conditions of service shall not be altered to his disadvantage during the term of
    his appointment.
    (4.) This Article applies to the office of judge of the Supreme Court, Clerk of Parliament and
    Director of Audit.
    Director of Audit
    66.-(1.) There shall be a Director of Audit, whose office is a public office.
    (2.) The powers and functions and the conditions of service of the Director of Audit are,
    subject to this Constitution, as prescribed by law.
    (3.) The Director of Audit shall not hold or act in any other public office during his period of
    service and a person who has held the office of Director of Audit shall not hold or act in any
    public office during the period of three years after he ceases to be Director of Audit.
    (4.) The Director of Audit may resign his office at any time by writing under his hand
    delivered to the Speaker.
    (5.) The Director of Audit may not be removed from office except on a resolution of
    Parliament approved by not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of
    Parliament praying for his removal from office on the ground of proved incapacity or
    Public debt
    67.-(1.) All debt charges for which Nauru is liable are a charge on the Treasury Fund.
    (2.) Med henblik på denne artikel, debt charges include interest, sinking fund charges,
    repayment or amortisation of debt and all expenditure in connexion with the raising of loans
    and the service and redemption of the debt thereby created.
    PART VII.***
    *** Part VII., Artikler 68-70 substituted 17.5.68
    Appointments etc., in the Public Service
    68.-(1.) Except as otherwise provided by law under Article 69, there is vested in the Chief
    Secretary the power
    (-en) to appoint, subject to clause (3.) af denne artikel, persons to hold or act in offices in the
    Public Service;
    (b) to exercise disciplinary control over persons holding or acting in such offices; og
    (c) to remove such persons from office.
    (2.) The Chief Secretary may, by instrument in writing under his hand, delegate to a public
    officer power to exercise disciplinary control over persons holding or acting in such public
    offices, other than offices referred to in clause (3.) af denne artikel, as the Chief Secretary
    specifies in the instrument and such delegation is subject to such conditions, if any, as the
    Chief Secretary specifies in the instrument.
    (3.) The Chief Secretary may not exercise his power under paragraph (-en) af klausul (1.) of this
    Article in relation to the office of a person in charge of a department of government and such
    other offices as are prescribed by law except in accordance with the approval of the Cabinet.
    (4.) The Chief Secretary shall report to the Cabinet on such matters relating to the exercise of
    the powers under this Article as are prescribed by law at least once a year and the Cabinet
    shall cause a copy of the report to be laid before Parliament.
    Power of Parliament to establish Public Service Board and to make special provisions
    regarding police
    69.-(1.) Parliament may make provision for either or both of the following:-
    (-en) vesting the powers and functions of the Chief Secretary under clauses (1.) og (2.) of
    Artikel 68 in a Public Service Board consisting of the Chief Secretary, who shall be Chairman,
    and not less than two other persons who are not members of Parliament; og
    (b) subject to clause (2.) af denne artikel, vesting in the public officer in charge of the Nauru
    Police Force the powers and functions of the Chief Secretary under clause (1.) of Article 68,
    in so far as they apply to or in respect of public officers in the Nauru Police Force.
    (2.) Where Parliament makes provision under paragraph (b) af klausul (1.) af denne artikel –
    (-en) it shall also make provision for establishing a Police Service Board consisting of not less
    than three persons, who are not members of Parliament, of whom one shall be the Chief
    Justice, who shall be Chairman, one shall be the Chief Secretary, and one shall be a person
    elected by members of the Nauru Police Force in such manner and for such term as are
    prescribed by law;
    (b) the power of the public officer in charge of the Nauru Police Force to appoint persons to
    hold or act in offices in the Nauru Police Force shall be subject to such consent, if any, of the
    Police Service Board as is required by law; og
    (c) the Chief Secretary or, where Parliament has made provision for a Public Service Board,
    the Public Service Board, shall not exercise the powers or perform the functions under
    clauses (1.) og (2.) of Article 68 in so far as they apply to or in respect of public officers in
    the Nauru Police Force.
    (3.) An appeal lies to the Police Service Board from a decision of the public officer in charge
    of the Nauru Police Force under this Article to remove a public officer from office or to
    exercise disciplinary control over a public officer at the instance of the public officer in
    respect of whom the decision is made.
    (4.) The Police Service Board shall exercise such other powers and functions as are conferred
    on it by law and shall, subject to this Article and any law, regulate its own procedure.
    (5.) Except as otherwise provided by law, no appeal lies from a decision of the Police Service
    Public Service Appeals Board
    70.-(1.) There shall be a Public Service Appeals Board which shall consist of the Chief
    Justice, who shall be Chairman, one person appointed by the Cabinet and one person elected
    by public officers as prescribed by law.
    (2.) A member of Parliament is not qualified to be a member of the Public Service Appeals
    (3.) A member of the Public Service Appeals Board ceases to hold office-
    (-en) upon being elected a member of Parliament;
    (b) if he was appointed by the Cabinet, upon being removed from office by the Cabinet or
    upon resigning his office by writing under his hand delivered to the President; eller
    (c) if he was elected by public officers, upon the expiration of the term for which he was
    elected, upon being removed from office in the manner prescribed by law or upon resigning
    his office by writing under his hand delivered to the Chief Secretary.
    (4.) Whenever a member of the Public Service Appeals Board, other than the Chief Justice, is
    unable for any reason or ineligible under clause (5.) of this Article to perform the duties of his
    office, the Cabinet may-
    (-en) if the member was appointed by it, appoint a person who is not a member of Parliament;
    (b) if the member was elected by public officers, appoint, subject to such conditions, if any,
    as are prescribed by law, a person,
    to act as a member of the Public Service Appeals Board during the period of the inability or
    ineligibility of the member.
    (5.) Parliament may provide that a member of the Public Service Appeals Board, other than
    the Chief Justice, is ineligible to act in relation to such matters as are prescribed by law.
    (6.) Except where an appeal lies to the Police Service Board under Article 69, an appeal lies
    to the Public Service Appeals Board from a decision to remove a public office or to exercise
    disciplinary control over a public officer at the instance of the public officer in respect of
    whom the decision is made.
    (7.) The Public Service Appeals Board shall exercise and perform such other powers and
    functions as are conferred on it by law and shall, subject to this Constitution and any law,
    regulate its own procedure.
    (8.) Except as otherwise provided by law, no appeal lies from a decision of the Public Service
    Appeals Board.
    Members of Nauruan community to be Nauruan citizens
  9. A person who on the thirtieth day of January One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight
    was included in one of the classes of persons who constituted the Nauruan Community within
    the meaning of the Nauruan Community Ordinance 1956-1966 of Nauru is a Nauruan citizen.
    Persons born on or after 31 January 1968
    72.-(1.) A person born on or after the thirty-first day of January One thousand nine hundred
    and sixty-eight is a Nauruan citizen if his parents were Nauruan citizens at the date of his
    (2.) A person born on or after the thirty-first day of January One thousand nine hundred and
    sixty-eight is a Nauruan citizen if he is born of a marriage between a Nauruan citizen and a
    Pacific Islander and neither parent has within seven days after the birth of that person
    exercised a right prescribed by law in the manner prescribed by law to determine that that
    person is not a Nauruan citizen.
    Persons born in Nauru on or after 31 January 1968
  10. A person born in Nauru on or after the thirty-first day of January One thousand nine
    hundred and sixty-eight is a Nauruan citizen if, at the date of his birth he would not, but for
    the provisions of this Article, have the nationality of any country.
    Women married to Nauruan Citizens
  11. A woman, not being a Nauruan citizen, who is married to a Nauruan citizen or has been
    married to a man who was, throughout the subsistence of the marriage, a Nauruan citizen, is
    entitled, upon making application in such manner as is prescribed by law, to become a
    Nauruan citizen.27
    Powers of Parliament regarding citizenship
    75.-(1.) Parliament may make provision for the acquisition of Nauruan citizenship by persons
    who are not otherwise eligible to become Nauruan citizens under the provisions of this Part.
    (2.) Parliament may make provision for depriving a person of his Nauruan citizenship being a
    person who has acquired the nationality of another country otherwise than by marriage.
    (3.) Parliament may make provision for depriving a person of his Nauruan citizenship being a
    person who is a Nauruan citizen otherwise than by reason of Article 71 or Article 72.
    (4.) Parliament may make provision for the renunciation by a person of his Nauruan
    76.-(1.) I denne del, “Pacific Islanderhas, except as otherwise prescribed by law, the same
    meaning as in the Nauruan Community Ordinance 1956-1966 of Nauru.
    (2.) A reference in this Part to the citizenship of the parent of a person at the date of that
    person’s birth shall, in relation to a person one of whose parents died before the birth of that
    person, be construed as a reference to the citizenship of the parent at the time of the parent’s
    PART IX.
    Declaration of an emergency
    77.-(1.) If the President is satisfied that a grave emergency exists whereby the security or
    economy of Nauru is threatened he may, by public proclamation, declare that a state of
    emergency exists.28
    (2.) A declaration of emergency lapses-
    (-en) if the declaration is made when Parliament is sitting, at the expiration of seven days after
    the date of publication of the declaration; eller
    (b) in any other case, at the expiration of twenty-one days after the date of publication of the
    unless it has in the meantime been approved by a resolution of Parliament approved by a
    majority of the members of Parliament present and voting.
    (3.) The President may at any time revoke a declaration of emergency by public proclamation.
    (4.) A declaration of emergency that has been approved by a resolution of Parliament under
    clause (2.) of this Article remains, subject to the provisions of clause (3.) af denne artikel, i
    force for twelve months or such shorter period as is specified in the resolution.
    (5.) A provision of this Article that a declaration of emergency lapses or ceases to be in force
    at a particular time does not prevent the making of a further such declaration whether before
    or after that time.
    Emergency powers
  12. (1.) During the period during which a declaration of emergency is in force, the President
    may make such orders as appear to him to be reasonably required for securing public safety,
    maintaining public order or safeguarding the interests or maintaining the welfare of the
    (2.) An order made by the President under clause (1.) of this Article30:
    (-en) has effect notwithstanding anything in Part II of this Constitution or in Article 94;
    (b) is not invalid in whole or in part by reason only that it provides for any matter for which
    provision is made under any law or because of inconsistency with any law; og
    (c) lapses when the declaration of emergency lapses unless in the meantime the order is
    revoked by a resolution of Parliament approved by a majority of the members of Parliament
    present and voting.
    (3.) The revocation or lapsing of an order made by the President under clause (1.) of this
    Article does not affect the previous operation of that order, the validity of anything done or
    omitted to be done under it or any offence committed or penalty or punishment incurred.31
    Restriction on detention
    79.-(1.) For the purposes of this Article there shall be an advisory board consisting of the
    Chief Justice, one person nominated by the Chief Justice and one person nominated by the
    (2.) A person detained under an order under Article 78 shall, as soon as practicable, be
    informed of the reasons for his detention and be brought before the advisory board and
    permitted to make representations against his detention.
    (3.) No person shall be detained under an order under Article 78 for a period exceeding three
    months unless that person has been brought before the advisory board and any
    representations made by him have been considered by it and it has within that period
    determined that there is sufficient cause for the detention.
    PART XI.
    Grant of pardon
  13. The President may-
    (-en) grant a pardon, either free or subject to lawful conditions, to a person convicted of an
    (b) grant to a person a respite, either indefinite or for a specified period, of the execution of a
    punishment imposed on that person for an offence;
    (c) substitute a less severe form of punishment for any punishment imposed on a person for
    en forseelse; eller
    (d) remit the whole or a part of a punishment imposed on a person for an offence or of a
    penalty or forfeiture on account of an offence.
    81.-(1.) In this Constitution, medmindre sammenhængen kræver andet:-
    “Artikel” means Article of this Constitution;
    Cabinetmeans the Cabinet established under Article 17;
    Chief Justice
    Chief Justicemeans the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court;
    Chief Secretary”35
    Chief Secretarymeans the Chief Secretary of Nauru appointed under Article 25;
    Courtmeans a court of law having jurisdiction in Nauru;
    Existing law
    Existing lawmeans a law in force in Nauru immediately before Independence Day;
    Government Gazette”36
    Government Gazettemeans the Nauru Government Gazette;
    Independence Day
    Independence Daymeans the thirty-first day of January, One thousand nine hundred and
    Lawincludes an instrument having the force of law and an unwritten rule of law and
    “lovlig” og “lawfullyshall be construed accordingly;
    Ministermeans a Minister of the Cabinet;
    Monthmeans calendar month;
    Parliamentmeans the Parliament of Nauru established under Article 26;
    Personincludes a body corporate or politic;
    Presidentmeans the President of Nauru;
    Propertyincludes a right, title or interest in or over property;
    Public office
    Public officemeans an office of emolument in the public service;
    Public officer
    Public officermeans a person holding or acting in a public office;
    Public service
    Public service” betyder, subject to the provisions of this Article, the service of the Republic
    of Nauru;
    Schedulemeans Schedule to this Constitution;
    Sessionmeans the period beginning when the Legislative Assembly of Nauru first met on
    Independence Day or after Parliament has at any time been prorogued or dissolved and
    ending when next Parliament is prorogued or dissolved;
    Sittingmeans a period during which Parliament is sitting without adjournment;
    Speakermeans the Speaker of Parliament;
    Supreme Court
    Supreme Courtmeans the Supreme Court of Nauru established under Article 48;
    Writingincludes any mode of representing or reproducing words in a visible form.
    (2.) In this Constitution41
    (-en) a reference to an office in the public service does not include-
    (jeg) a reference to the office of President, Minister, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, member of
    Parliament or Clerk of Parliament;
    (ii) a reference to the office of a Judge of the Supreme Court; eller
    (iii) except in so far as is prescribed by law, a reference to the office of a member of a council,
    board, panel, committee or other similar body, whether incorporated or not, established by
    law; og
    (b) a reference to an office of profit in the service of Nauru does not include a reference to the
    office of President, Minister, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, or member of Parliament.
    (3.) In this Constitution, medmindre sammenhængen kræver andet, a reference to the holder of an
    office by an expression designating his office shall be construed as including, to the extent of
    his authority, a reference to a person for the time being authorised to exercise the powers or
    perform the functions of that office.
    (4.) In this Constitution, a reference to the total number of members of Parliament is a
    reference to the number of members of which Parliament consists in accordance with Article
    (5.) In this Constitution, medmindre sammenhængen kræver andet-
    (-en) words importing the masculine gender shall be taken to include females; og
    (b) words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.
    (6.) Where a law is repealed, or is deemed to have been repealed, ved, under or by reason of
    this Constitution, the repeal does not-
    (-en) revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the repeal takes effect;
    (b) affect the previous operation of the law or anything only done or suffered under the law;
    (c) affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under the
    (d) affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed
    against the law; eller
    (e) affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege,
    obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment,
    and any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or
    enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if the law had
    not been repealed.
    (7.) Where a person is required by this Constitution to take and subscribe an oath, he shall be
    permitted, if he so desires, to comply with that requirement by making and subscribing an
    Parts, etc. of Constitution
    82.-(1.) The headings of the Parts into which this Constitution is divided are part of this
    (2.) A Schedule to this Constitution is part of this Constitution.
    (3.) The preamble and the marginal notes to this Constitution do not form part of this
    Right to mine phosphate
    83.-(1.) Except as otherwise provided by law, the right to mine phosphate is vested in the
    Republic of Nauru.42
    (2.) Nothing in this Constitution makes the Government of Nauru responsible for the
    rehabilitation of land from which phosphate was mined before the first day of July, En
    thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven.
    Amendment of the Constitution43
    84.-(1.) This Constitution shall not be altered except in accordance with this Article.
    (2.) This Constitution may be altered by law but a proposed law for that purpose shall not be
    passed by Parliament unless-
    (-en) there has been an interval of not less than ninety days between the introduction of the
    proposed law in Parliament and the passing of the proposed law by Parliament; og
    (b) it is approved by not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of Parliament.
    (3.) A proposed law to alter or having the effect of altering the Fifth Schedule or any of the
    provisions of this Constitution specified in the Fifth Schedule shall not be submitted for the
    certificate of the Speaker under Article 47 unless, after it has been passed by Parliament, it
    has been approved by not less than two-thirds of all the votes validly cast on a referendum
    held, subject to clause (4.) af denne artikel, as prescribed by law.
    (4.) A person who, at the time the referendum is held, is qualified to vote at an election of
    members of Parliament, is entitled to vote at a referendum held for the purposes of this
    Article and no other person is so entitled.
    (5.) A proposed law to alter this Constitution shall not receive the certificate of the Speaker
    under Article 47 unless it is accompanied by a certificate under the hand of the Clerk of
    Parliament that the provisions of clause (2.) of this Article have been complied with and, if it
    is a proposed law to which clause (3.) of this Article applies, by a certificate under the hand
    of a person prescribed by law stating that it has been approved as provided by that clause.
    PART XI.
    Existing laws
    85.-(1.) A law in force in Nauru immediately before Independence Day continues in force,
    subject to this Constitution and to any amendment of that law made by a law enacted under
    this Constitution or by order under clause (6.) af denne artikel, until repealed by a law enacted
    under this Constitution.
    (2.) A law which has not been brought into force in Nauru before Independence Day may,
    subject to this Constitution and to any amendment of that law made by law, be brought into
    force on or after Independence Day and a law brought into force under this clause continues
    in force subject as aforesaid, until repealed by a law enacted under this Constitution.
    (3.) Clause (1.) of this Article does not apply to the Nauru Act 1965 of the Commonwealth of
    Australia, other than sections 4 og 53 of that Act, or to an Act of the Commonwealth of
    Australia that immediately before Independence Day extended to Nauru as a Territory of that
    (4.) The Constitutional Convention Ordinance 1967 of Nauru shall not be amended so as to
    affect the membership of the Constitutional Convention established under that Ordinance.
    (5.) Where a matter that, under this Constitution, is to be prescribed or otherwise provided for
    by law, is prescribed or otherwise provided for by a law continued in force by clause (1.) eller
    (2.) af denne artikel, that matter has, on and after Independence Day, effect as if it had also
    been prescribed or provided for by a law enacted under this Constitution.
    (6.) For the purposes of bringing the provisions of an existing law into accord with the
    provisions of this Constitution (other than Part II. of this Constitution) the President may,
    except as otherwise prescribed by law, within a period of two years after Independence Day,
    make, by order published in the Government Gazette, such adaptations, whether by way of
    modification of, addition to or omission from those provisions, as he deems necessary or
    expedient and an order so made has effect, or shall be deemed to have effect, from and
    including such date, not being a date before Independence Day, as is specified in the order.44
    Adaptation of existing laws
    86.-(1) Subject to this Constitution, a reference in a law continued in force by clause (1.) eller

(2.) of Article 85 to45

(-en) the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia; eller
(b) the Minister of State for Territories of the Commonwealth of Australia,
shall, medmindre sammenhængen kræver andet, be read as a reference to the President.
(2.) Subject to this Constitution, a reference in a law continued in force by clause (1.) eller (2.)
of Article 85 to the Administrator of the Territory of Nauru shall, unless the context
otherwise requires, be read as a reference to the President or where responsibility for the
administration of that law is assigned to a Minister under Article 23, to that Minister.
(3.) Subject to this Constitution, a reference in a law continued in force by clause (1.) eller (2.)
of Article 85 to the Administrator of the Territory of Nauru acting in accordance with the
advice of the Executive Council of the Territory of Nauru shall, unless the context otherwise
requires, be read as a reference to the Cabinet.
Existing public officers
87.-(1.) Subject to this Constitution and any law, a person who immediately before
Independence Day hold; or is acting in a public office shall, on and after Independence Day,
hold or act in that office or the corresponding office established by this Constitution on the
same terms and conditions as those on which he holds or is acting in the public office
immediately before Independence Day.
(2.) Nothing in this Article shall be construed as applying to a person who immediately
before Independence Day holds or is acting in the office of Administrator, Public Service
Commissioner or Official Secretary.
Existing legal proceedings

  1. All legal proceedings pending or incomplete in the Central Court of the Island of Nauru
    immediately before Independence Day shall stand removed to the Supreme Court, which
    shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine the proceedings and the judgments and orders of
    the Central Court of the Island of Nauru given or made before Independence Day shall have
    the same force and effect as if they had been delivered or made by the Supreme Court.
    The first Parliament46
    89.-(1.) The persons who were elected at the election conducted during January, En
    thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight at the instance of the Constitutional Convention to
    become members of the Legislative Assembly of Nauru on Independence Day are members
    of the first Parliament and shall be deemed to have been elected in accordance with this
    (2.) The first Parliament came into existence on Independence Day under the name of the
    Legislative Assembly of Nauru and continues under the name of Parliament from and
    including the date on which this clause comes into operation.
    (3.) The first Parliament shall, unless sooner dissolved, continue for a period of three years
    from and including Independence Day and shall then stand dissolved.
    (4.) In this Article, “Constitutional Conventionmeans the Constitutional Convention
    established under the Constitutional Convention Ordinance 1967 of Nauru.
    Powers privileges and immunities of Parliament
  2. Until otherwise declared by Parliament, the powers, privileges and immunities of
    Parliament and of its members and committees shall be those of the House of Commons of
    the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of its
    members and committees as at the commencement of this Constitution.
    Vesting of property, etc.
    91.-(1.) All property and assets which, immediately before Independence Day, were vested in
    the Administrator of the Territory of Nauru or in the Administration of the Territory of Nauru,
    vest in the Republic of Nauru.
    (2.) All rights, liabilities and obligations of the Administrator of the Territory of Nauru or of
    the Administration of the Territory of Nauru, whether arising out of contract or otherwise, are
    rights, liabilities and obligations of the Republic of Nauru.
    Constitutional Convention to continue in existence
    92.-(1.) Notwithstanding the coming into force of this Constitution, the Constitutional
    Convention established under the Constitutional Convention Ordinance 1967 of Nauru shall,
    subject to this Article, continue in existence during the period of five months after
    Independence Day or, if the Constitutional Convention approves by resolution a shorter
    period, during that shorter period.
    (2.) The Constitutional Convention shall, in lieu of the powers held by it before Independence
    Day, have the powers conferred on it by clause (3.) af denne artikel.
    (3.) The Constitutional Convention may, during the period referred to in clause (1.) of this
    Artikel, by resolution approved by a majority of the members of the Constitutional
    Convention, alter any of the provisions of this Constitution other than this Article and clause
    (4.) of Article 85.
    (4.) In this Article, a reference to the members of the Constitutional Convention is a reference
    to the number of members of which it consists on the day on which the question arises.
    Agreement of 14 November 1967 relating to Phosphate Industry
    93.-(1.) The Agreement made on the fourteenth day of November, One thousand nine
    hundred and sixty-seven between the Nauru Local Government Council of the one part and
    the Partner Governments of the other part shall, on and after Independence Day, be construed
    as an agreement between the Government of the Republic of Nauru of the one part and the
    Partner Governments of the other part and all rights, liabilities, obligations and interest of the
    Nauru Local Government Council in or under that Agreement are, on and after Independence
    Day, rights, liabilities, obligations and interest of the Government of the Republic of Nauru.
    (2.) In clause (1.) af denne artikel, “Partner Governmentsmeans the Government of the
    Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of New Zealand and the Government of the
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
    Financial provisions to 30 June 1968
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part VI. of this Constitution, no moneys shall be
    withdrawn from the Treasury Fund or any other fund referred to in Article 58 before the first
    day of July, Et tusind ni hundrede og otteogtres, except-
    (-en) in accordance with the appropriations authorized under the Supply Ordinance 1967-68 of
    Nauru or the Appropriation Ordinance 1967-68 of Nauru;
    (b) for the purpose of allocating, in respect of each ton of phosphate shipped from Nauru
    before the first day of July, Et tusind ni hundrede og otteogtres, to the funds or for the
    purposes specified in the Sixth Schedule the amounts so specified;47 eller
    (c) under a law enacted in accordance with Part VI of this Constitution.
    Transitional provision relating to judges of the Supreme Court
  4. Notwithstanding clause (3.) of Article 49, until otherwise provided by law, a person is
    qualified to be appointed a judge of the Supreme Court if
    (-en) he is or has been a judge of a court having jurisdiction in some part of the Commonwealth
    of Australia or in such other place as is approved by Parliament by resolution for the purposes
    of this Article or
    (b) he is entitled to practise as an advocate in or solicitor of such a court and has been so
    entitled for not less than five years.
    Transitional provisions relating to Chief Justice
    96.-(1.) The powers and functions of the Chief Justice may, until the Chief Justice is first
    appointed, be exercised or performed by not less than three persons, being persons who,
    immediately before Independence Day, were magistrates of the Central Court within the
    meaning of the Nauru Act 1965 of the Commonwealth of Australia.
    (2.) Notwithstanding clause (1.) af denne artikel, the powers and functions of the Chief Justice
    under Articles 69 og 70 may, until the Chief Justice is first appointed, be exercised or
    performed by a person who, immediately before Independence Day, was a magistrate of the
    Central Court referred to in clause (1.) of this Article.48
    Director of Audit
    97.-(1.) Notwithstanding Article 66, until the Director of Audit is first appointed the Cabinet
    shall cause to be audited at least once in every year the public accounts of Nauru and the
    accounts of such public bodies as Parliament by resolution determines.49
    (2.) The Cabinet shall cause a report on the results of an audit under clause (1.) af denne artikel
    to be laid before Parliament as soon as practicable after completion of the audit.50
    Transitional provisions relating to Superannuation Board
    98.-(1.) Until otherwise provided by law, the Superannuation Board established under the
    Superannuation Ordinance 1966 of Nauru consists of three persons appointed by the Cabinet,
    of whom one shall be chairman, one shall be an actuary or a person experienced in respect of
    the investment of moneys and one shall be a person who is a contributor within the meaning
    of that Ordinance elected by contributors in the manner prescribed by or under law.51
    (2.) Notwithstanding clause (1.) of this Article and until otherwise provided by law, a person
    who, immediately before this clause comes into effect, is a member of the Superannuation
    Board referred to in clause (1.) af denne artikel, shall continue to be a member of the
    Superannuation Board.52
    Transitional provisions relating to the first President and Cabinet53
    99.-(1.) Notwithstanding anything in Part III of this Constitution, the first President shall be
    elected by Parliament at its first sitting held after this Article comes into effect.
    (2.) The powers and functions of the President and of the Cabinet may, until the first
    President is elected, be exercised or performed by the Council of State.
    (3.) In this Article, “Council of Statemeans the Council of State of Nauru in existence
    immediately before Part III of this Constitution relating to the President and the Executive
    comes into effect.
    Transitional provisions relating to Chief Secretary54
  5. Notwithstanding Article 25, the person who, immediately before this Article comes into
    effect, holds the office of Chief Secretary shall hold the office of Chief Secretary established
    by this Constitution.

First Schedule
Artikel 18.
Oath of member of Cabinet55
I, ……….. swear by Almighty God that I will faithfully carry out my duties as a member of the
Cabinet and that I will not improperly reveal any matters of which I have become aware by
reason of my membership of the Cabinet. So help me God.
Second Schedule
Artikel 28.
Constituency District or Districts of Nauru
comprised in constituency
Number of members to be
returned by constituency
Aiwo Aiwo 2
Anabar Anabar, Anibare, Ijuw 2
Anetan Anetan, Ewa 2
Boe Boe 2
Buada Buada 2
Meneng Meneng 2
Ubenide Baiti, Denigomodu, Nibok
Yaren Yaren 2
Third Schedule
Artikel 43
Oath of member of Parliament56
I, ……… swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the
Republic of Nauru and that I will justly and faithfully carry out my duties as a member of
Naurus parlament. So help me God!
Fourth Schedule
Artikel 52.
Oath of Judge
I, …………. swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the
Republic of Nauru in the office of …………. and that I will do right to all manner of people
according to law, without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. So help me God!
Fifth Schedule57
(jeg) Del I
(ii) Del II.
(iii) Artikler 16, 17.
(iv) Artikler 26, 27, clause (7.) of Article 41.
(v) Artikler 58, 59, 60, 62, 65.
(vi) Artikel 71, clause (1.) of Article 72.
(vii) Artikel 84.
(viii) Clauses (1.), (2.), (3.) og (5.) of Article 85.
(ix) Artikel 93.
Sixth Schedule
Amount Fund or Purpose

  1. 70 Long Term Investment Fund established under Article 62.
    0.50 Nauruan Landowners Royalty Trust Fund for the benefit of owners of
    phosphate bearing lands.
    0.60 Nauru Development Fund for promoting the economic development
    of Nauru.
    0.60 Nauru Development Fund for promoting the economic development
    of Nauru.
    0.80 Nauru Housing Fund for erecting, repairing or maintaining houses in
    0.20 Nauru Rehabilitation Fund for the purpose of restoring or improving
    the parts of the Island of Nauru that have been affected by mining for
    0.60 For payment to the owners of phosphate bearing lands leased to the
    British Phosphate Commissioners.
    0.10 Nauru Royalty Fund for any of the purposes for which the Nauru
    Local Government Council is authorised by the Nauru Local
    Government Council Ordinance 1951-1967 of Nauru to expend


1 Part III Articles 16-25 substituted 17.5.68 [for provisions relating to Council of State]
2 Inserted 17.5.68
Substituted 17.5.68
4 Inserted 17.5.68
Inserted 17.5.68
6 Amended 17.5.68
7 Amended 17.5.68
8 Amended 17.5.68
9 Amended 17.5.68
10 Amended 17.5.68
11 Amended 17.5.68
12 Amended 17.5.68
13 Amended 17.5.68
14 Amended 17.5.68
15 Amended 17.5.68
16 Substituted 17.5.68
17 Amended 17.5.68
18 Amended 17.5.68
19 Amended 17.5.68
20 Amended 17.5.68
21 Amended 17.5.68
22 Substituted 17.5.68
23 Inserted 17.5.68
24 Substituted 17.5.68
25 Amended 17.5.68
26 Amended 17.5.68
27 Amended 17.5.68
28 Amended 17.5.68
29 Amended 17.5.68
30 Amended 17.5.68
31 Amended 17.5.68
32 Amended 17.5.68
33 Amended 17.5.68
34 Inserted 17.5.68
35 Inserted 17.5.68
36 Inserted 17.5.68
37 Inserted 17.5.68
38 Inserted 17.5.68
39 Inserted 17.5.68
40 Amended 17.5.68
41 Substituted 17.5.68
42 Substituted 17.5.68
43 Substituted 17.5.68
44 Inserted 17.5.68
45 Substituted 17.5.68
46 Substituted 17.5.68
47 Amended 17.5.68
48 Amended 17.5.68
49 Amended 17.5.68
50 Amended 17.5.68
51 Amended 17.5.68
52 Inserted 17.5.68
53 Inserted 17.5.68
54 Inserted 17.5.68
55 Inserted 17.5.68
56 Inserted 17.5.68
57 Substituted 17.5.68
58 Inserted 17.5.68